International Workshop

Convection-Permitting Modeling for Climate Research

Current and Future Challenges


The in-person 4th Convection-Permitting Modeling (CPM) workshop in Kyoto, Japan has been postponed until next year. Because this field is rapidly developing, we felt deep need to maintain community interactions and to provide the forum where our recent scientific advances are shown. Therefore, we decided to have the virtual workshop.

The main focus of this virtual workshop is the simulation of mesoscale processes and extreme events with CPMs at global and local scales and the use of CPM data for hazard and impact assessments. We will highlight recent advancements in CPM simulations, facilitate community interactions, and identify key challenges that will help with the planning of the postponed in-person 2021 workshop. Due to the limited nature of the workshop we feature invited presentations.

This virtual workshop consists of two parts:

  1. almost two weeks delivery of each speakers' presentation video, to which participants can send questions beforehand
  2. four live sessions during 2-4 September 2020 (in Japan standard time)


Program Committee
Izuru Takayabu, Roy Rasmussen, Eiichi Nakakita, Andreas Prein, Hiroaki Kawase, Shun-Ichi Watanabe, Tetsuya Takemi, Kosei Yamaguchi